Wir freuen uns, Sie bei uns im 3 Sterne Landhotel begrüßen zu dürfen
Unser Haus verfügt über schöne Zimmer und große Appartments auf 3-Sterne-Standard. Ein Aufzug in den ersten Stock steht Ihnen zur Verfügung.
Ausserdem haben Sie die Wahl zwischen den neuen Zimmern im Hotel und den renovierten, alten Zimmern in unserem traditionellen Landgasthof.
Aktuelle Angebote
Spezialitäten rund um´s Jahr und speziell beim Eberl
Essen & Trinken
Auf unserer Wochenkarte finden sie immer je nach Saison Gerichte von Fisch & Fleisch und wechselnde vegetarische Gerichte.
Sie möchten einen Tisch reservieren
Feste & Feierlichkeiten
Miteinander feiern und glücklich sein
Feste Feiern bei Eberl in Hattenhofen
Heiraten bei uns im Gasthof
Spezialitäten in der Metzgerei Eberl
sind frisch und hausgemacht. Wir legen großen Wert auf die Frische unserer Produkte und den unverwechselbaren Geschmack.
Unsere Hausrezepte gibt es seit fast 100 Jahren, sie werden besonders gehütet.
Eberl Qualität – alles frisch und hausgemacht!
Einkaufen in der Metzgerei Eberl
Verschiedene Nudeln. Senf, Marmeladen, verschiedene Sauer-Konserven, Holundersaft- und Sirup
We look forward to welcoming you to our 3-star country hotel
Our house has beautiful rooms and large apartments of 3-star standard. An elevator to the first floor is at your disposal.
You can also choose between the new rooms in the hotel and the renovated old rooms in our traditional country inn.
Opening times of the restuarnt
Monday – Wednesday 5 p.m. – 10 p.m.
Thursday – Saturday 11 a.m. – 11 p.m.
Sunday & public holidays 10 a.m. – 3 p.m.
Butcher’s opening times
Monday – Tuesday 7 a.m. – 2.30 p.m.
Wednesday – Friday 7 a.m. – 6 p.m.
Saturday 7 a.m. – 12 p.m.
Specialties all year round and especially at Eberl
Eat Drink
Depending on the season, you will always find fish & meat dishes and changing vegetarian dishes on our weekly menu.
Festivals & celebrations
Celebrate together and be happy
Celebrations at Eberl in Hattenhofen
Get married in our restaurant
Opening times of the Restaurant
Monday – Wednesday 5 p.m. – 10 p.m.
Thursday – Saturday 11 a.m. – 11 p.m.
Sun & Holiday 10 – 15 o’clock
Butcher’s opening times
Monday – Tuesday 7 a.m. – 2.30 p.m.
Wednesday – Friday 7 a.m. – 6 p.m.
Saturday 7 a.m. – 12 p.m.
Opening times of the Restaurant
Monday – Wednesday 5 p.m. – 10 p.m.
Thursday – Saturday 11 a.m. – 11 p.m.
Sun & Holiday 10 – 15 o’clock
Butcher’s opening times
Monday – Tuesday 7 a.m. – 2.30 p.m.
Wednesday – Friday 7 a.m. – 6 p.m.
Saturday 7 a.m. – 12 p.m.
If you’re looking for a gift that always fits, you’ve come to the right place!
Quiet connoisseurs, gourmets, friends of old Bavarian cuisine, lovers of hearty meat dishes but also vegetarians or fans of old, homemade Bavarian pastries, organic fans, young and old, a voucher from EBERL in HATTENHOFEN is just the thing for you all!
You will receive our vouchers in any amount. The vouchers should be redeemed within one year. The maximum period of validity is two years.
Just come by and you will immediately receive a decoratively wrapped gift voucher. The vouchers can be redeemed in our inn, in the butcher’s shop or in our hotel!
By the way: as a present, we will be happy to prepare a gift basket or a gift board for you with many specialties from our butcher’s shop.
Whether with fine pies, home-smoked foods, fine fruit brandies or special organic products such as jam or chocolate, we can design gifts exactly according to your wishes.
Just talk to us, we have the right thing for you!
Discover Bavaria’s capital and experience a piece of Bavarian tradition.
82285 Hattenhofen
Hauptstr. 8
Reservation request via our contact form online or by phone at 08145/995700
In July 2021, Gasthof Eberl was once again awarded the highest rating “Three Rauten”.